Monday, October 29, 2012

The Big Draw Berlin

Here are some images from The Big Draw Berlin which we recently attended. I just stumbled across the event by accident and it looked amazing. You can find out more about the event on their website here

'Inspired by the London-based Campaign for Drawing and mirroring many similar projects internationally, The Big Draw Berlin starts with the most basic, most democratic means of visual expression: drawing. Beginning on October 12th, the weekend-long art festival spread itself over Berlin–and everywhere, it seems, that people will draw. The concept behind the festival, now in its fourth annual installment, is to foster engagement with this otherwise hidden, often inaccessible process.'

This on-site cafe was really nice...

Moleskin Sponsored Wall (take a notebook and leave a drawing in it's place). Can't wait to see the end result of this!

Kev drawing on the walls..

Fun with Straws!

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